

Bloodlust is a game I created with a colleague for Ludum Dare Game Jam #49. Ludum Dare is one of the largest game jams in the world that challenges participants to create a complete game in 72 hours based off of a particular theme. The theme was "Prevent the Inevitable," and given the timing near Halloween, we designed a game about a vampire who must feast on victims to survive.


The player starts with a full blood count that decreases over time. Once it reaches zero, the player dies. Study your victim's schedules closely and find the best time to strike, but be cautious—if a victim escapes, they'll alert the nearby guards. The player can take advantage of the weapons some NPCs drop to kill more effectively. The aim of the game is to survive and accrue as many kills as possible.

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Implemented Features

Name Description
Day and Night Cycles The time scale of the game can affect the day/night cycle of the game. This in turn affects NPC awareness during certain times.
Dynamic NPC Schedules NPCs follow specific schedules based on delta time and utilize pathfinding.
Dynamic NPC Behavior NPCs react to the player's attacks through a suspicion system, becoming wary or seeking help from guards.
Inventory System An inventory system determines what the player has in their arsenal at a given time.
Music and Sound Sounds found from a free website and mixed.